  • The wondrous valley of Khaplu

    The wondrous valley of Khaplu is located in the Northern areas of Pakistan, known as Gilgit Baltistan, and is a cultural, unique, nature-filled place, with welcoming people and indescribable cuisine.


    Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. Insomnia has been associated with concurrent physical and psychiatric problems and may be a risk factor for the onset of depressive…

    Gilgit Skardu Road or Death Hell

    Gilgit Skardu Road also known as S-1 (Strategic Highway 1) or Baltistan Expressway. The road runs along the River Indus and Karakoram Range. This is a single Road Between Skardu & Gilgit which is the…

    Is Imran’s government a fascist one?

    A word of the 20th century making roars in the current era known as the F-word. Fascism is a philosophy based on Social Darwinism or in simple words survival of the fittest (aka SOF).

     Civilized Nations And Media Role

    Dignified or civilized nations are those who are on the top level of good characters. We lived in an era of modern civilization in which every aspect of character and behavior is very clear to…
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