Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has informed the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday that he fears the government may launch another “operation” during Eid ul Fitr holidays at his Zaman Park residence in a bid to arrest him.
A two-member bench of the high court recommended that Imran Khan’s petition be placed before a larger bench against the registration of similar cases and disciplinary proceedings against him.
The bench, comprising of Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh and Justice Farooq Haider, sent the file to the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court.
Khan testified in court that despite court orders, the police had previously damaged his home during the Zaman Park operation, adding that the court had ordered the police not to launch an operation in Zaman Park, yet it had happened.
“Now during the holidays, they will launch an operation. I have credible reports that they will launch an operation. The court must stop them,” Khan urged, adding that the “law of the jungle” prevails where people are first arrested and then they are informed about the accusations.
“I am just informing you about the threats beforehand,” Khan said and returned to his seat.