  • Anarchy concerns loom over inflated bill protests, warns MQM

    MQM leaders, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and Dr. Farooq Sattar File photo MQM leaders, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and Dr. Farooq Sattar

    In a pressing development, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has voiced apprehensions of potential anarchy if immediate measures are not taken to address the surging electricity prices, emphasizing that the failure to act swiftly could plunge the nation into chaos.

    MQM leaders, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and Dr. Farooq Sattar, came together for a joint press conference on Sunday, stressing the urgency for prompt alleviation of the burdensome electricity tariffs. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui asserted that should the populace not receive respite from the escalating prices, they may be compelled to engage in protests to voice their discontent.

    “In major cities of Sindh, a distressing 12-hour load shedding is taking its toll. It is incumbent upon the government to extend relief to the suffering citizens,” Siddiqui pronounced with conviction.

    Echoing these concerns, Dr. Farooq Sattar expounded that the nation finds itself on the precipice of disorder due to the mounting bills, cautioning that the risk of a deteriorating law and order scenario looms ominously.

    “In no corner of the globe do levies burden electricity usage. The unrestrained increase in electricity rates places an undue strain on the populace, rendering it unattainable for many,” articulated Dr. Farooq Sattar, underscoring the widespread grievances.

    As the nation navigates these pressing challenges, the gravity of addressing the public’s concerns and forestalling potential unrest stands as a paramount task for the authorities.