  • PM deplores Abbottabad murder as inhuman, un-Islamic

    PM deplores Abbottabad murder File Photo PM deplores Abbottabad murder

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday denounced the murder of a 16-year-old girl in Abbottabad as “inhuman and un-Islamic”.

    The victim, identified as Ambreen, a resident of Abbottabad district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was drugged before being strangled to death while her body was set ablaze in a van.

    The gruesome murder was ordered by a 16-member jirga on charges of helping another girl, Saima, elope.

    The deceased’s mother was also part of the jirga.

    “Such a barbaric act is not only unislamic but also inhuman.

    Acceptance of such acts in society was unacceptable.,” a statement by PM Sharif said.

    “It is not honour killing its just plain murder.

    They criminals should be prosecuted swiftly.”

    The prime minister directed authorities concerned to bring the perpetrators of the heinous crime to justice without any delay.

    In February this year, Prime Minister Sharif pledged that his government would toughen laws to halt honor killings