  • Nawaz says Imran Khan backstabbed him with 2013 sit-ins

    Nawaz Sharif File Photo Nawaz Sharif

    Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif on Saturday recalled that incarcerated PTI founder Imran Khan “stabbed me in the back” by carrying out processions and rallies after assuring his cooperation post-2013 elections.

    Addressing a meeting of the PML-N’s Central Working Committee (CWC) in Lahore, Nawaz said that upon assuming power in 2013, the first thing he did was go and visit Imran in Banigala to agree on working together for the country’s sake.

    Nawaz said Imran subsequently went to London, along with other political figures of the time, and then a “plot was hatched”, after which protests were launched in the country upon the PTI founder’s return.

    The PML-N supremo said he was left befuddled by the development and said he should have been informed and told about the matter or whatever the PTI’s reservations were.

    “I visit you and you stab me in the back by assuring cooperation and then you begin protests in Islamabad’s D-Chowk?”

    Nawaz said his cabinet members had called for police force against the protests but he had told them to desist. Despite this, Nawaz said his government managed to secure the historic China Pakistan Economic Corridor project.

    The PML-N supremo said it was a “matter of record” that his government had not impeded the formation of the PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after the 2013 elections despite being in the position to do so through a coalition.

    Nawaz said he was omitting a lot of details and only wanted to ask one thing, “three people sit down and disqualify a prime minister representing 250 million people for life.”

    He said judges could not remove prime ministers or presidents in any other country of the world but here he was removed on a “small matter of not taking salary from my son”. “Who will answer for this?” he said, adding that he had the right to ask this question.

    Nawaz also referred to the early resignations of former Supreme Court judges Ijazul Ahsan and Mazahar Naqvi, saying they should be questioned why they resigned before their tenures and that legal proceedings should be conducted against the latter for his alleged financial misconduct.

    Regaling the economic performance of his past government tenures, Nawaz asked the nation which political party had best served them and said it should think about these matters before casting their votes.

    “I have the right to ask my nation this question that do you think before voting what Nawaz Sharif’s performance was and what was that of his opponents? … the nation should answer this. I have a slight complaint with the nation as well. A prime minister is removed in a false case of not taking a salary from his son and the nation stays silent, this is not right.”

    Nawaz said he was very happy to see the PML-N leaders gathered during the event. He said it had been some time since the PML-N collective had last assembled in such numbers.

    “It is very good that the leadership of every province is present here. We have gathered after a long time,” he said, adding that everyone had faced problems of their own from exile to fraudulent legal proceedings.

    He commended his party leaders for bravely facing their tribulations, adding that the party’s fortunes had now reversed and PML-N workers once facing cases were now sitting in the assemblies with some holding constitutional offices as well.

    Nawaz said false cases against the party were “exposed”. He concluded his speech by lauding the performance of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and predicting a turnaround in the country’s fortunes.