  • Expression of opinion is significant aspect of democratic society: Athar Minallah

    Supreme Court Justice Athar Minallah File Photo Supreme Court Justice Athar Minallah

    Supreme Court Justice Athar Minallah underscored on Saturday the significance of judicial independence, urging judges not to succumb to fear or panic in the face of criticism.

    Addressing a gathering of legal professionals and scholars, Justice Athar Minallah stressed that judges must remain independent, regardless of the level of criticism they face.

    He asserted that the judiciary should be a steadfast pillar, unaffected by external pressures, stating, "Judges should not panic or be afraid; they must stand firm in upholding the principles of justice."

    Reflecting on Pakistan's historical context, Justice Athar Minallah highlighted the challenges faced by the country, stating that half of its history was spent under dictatorship, which curtailed freedom of expression.

    He acknowledged the role of journalists in facilitating the expression of opinions and noted the valuable insights gained from court reporters.

    "Expression of opinion is a significant aspect of a democratic society," Justice Athar Minallah remarked. "States cannot control the free expression of opinions, and attempts to suppress it lead to detrimental consequences."

    The distinguished judge recalled events from 1971, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the truth even when it is inconvenient. He urged the nation to reflect on its direction, advocating for decisions and conversations that align with the collective will.

    Sharing his experience as a judge, Justice Athar Minallah discussed the challenges faced in handling criticism, particularly the distinction between valid concerns and baseless allegations. He cautioned against social media influencing judicial decisions and reminded his colleagues that as judges, they are public figures.

    "There are two types of criticism on the judiciary," he explained. "One questions the integrity of decisions, while the other is based on personal preferences. It is essential for everyone to engage in constructive criticism while maintaining trust in the judiciary."

    Drawing lessons from history, Justice Athar Minallah emphasized the need to recognize the importance of freedom of expression. He stated that the country's prosperity and the prevention of historical injustices are contingent upon adhering to the constitution.

    "The solution to our problems lies in the implementation of the constitution," Justice Athar Minallah declared. "By following the constitutional principles, we can aspire to become a great nation."