The Islamabad police will hire military veterans in different fields of the force. About 200 retired experienced soldiers will be recruited in the Islamabad police force initially, as per the sources.
As per details 200 policemen will be hired in the first round of recruitment and will primiarily be appointed for guarding sensitive installatios aand red zone buildings, as well as riot control operations.
The maximum age for hirings has been set at 42 years and candidates must be 5’7“ for general duties and 5’8“ for traffic duties. Candidates must also have atleast a matriculation qualification to apply. However, candidates above 6 feet in height and with experience of serving in military police will be preferred.
Successful candidates will be paid a salary of Rs40,000 per month.
Islamabad police is expected to advertise the positions by June 21 and candidates will have 15 days to apply.