  • Aima Baig shares struggle with suicidal thoughts amid breakup fallout

    Aima Baig File Photo Aima Baig

    Aima Baig, the renowned Pakistani singer, opened up emotionally about her past relationship with actor Shahbaz Shagri during a recent appearance on Ahmed Ali's podcast.

    Reflecting on her breakup with Shahbaz Shagri, Aima Baig expressed that there were underlying personal stories involved that remained undisclosed to the public. She emphasized the importance of understanding that marriage involves two families, not just individuals. She clarified that both families were supportive and understanding throughout their relationship.

    Regarding the decision to end the relationship, Aima Baig shared that it was a mutual agreement but ultimately driven by her own considerations. She admitted that in hindsight, she feels the decision may not have been the best one.

    Recalling the aftermath of the breakup, Aima Baig revealed that she faced significant backlash on social media after posting about the breakup.

    Despite the negativity, she found solace and support from her family, who shielded her from the online trolling. However, she admitted to struggling with suicidal thoughts during that challenging period of her life.