  • Rambo reveals that his parents were very afraid of Sahiba

    Rambo & Sahiba File Photo Rambo & Sahiba

    Rambo (Afzal Khan), a well-known actor in the Pakistani showbiz industry, has revealed that his late parents were very afraid of his wife before marriage.

    Recently, Rambo and his actress wife Sahiba appeared as guests on a private TV channel’s morning show where Rambo revealed that he had to work hard to impress Sahiba’s mother. worked with and then she agreed to marry her daughter to Rambo.

    Rambo said that when my relationship with Sahiba was ripe, my parents were very afraid of making Sahiba a daughter-in-law because Sahiba was a well-known actress from a high family, while my parents were simple, my family had nothing to do with the showbiz industry. was not.

    Like my parents, I was also afraid whether Sahiba would be able to live with my family or not because Sahiba didn’t even wear shoes herself, her manager accompanied her when she went out before marriage, the actor said. There was a security guard, a driver and a lady.

    He said that when we got married, the fear of my parents was over after seeing Sahiba, Sahiba did not let it be obvious that she came from such a high family.

    Rambo said that I used to dislike many things of Sahiba’s mother and actress Madam Nashu, but one thing I liked very much was that her daughters lived like celebrities outside the house, but both her daughters at home. She also used to do housework with the employees.

    The actor further said that seeing Sahiba’s behavior, today my family members say that you have got a very good wife, we could not have found such a good wife for you.

    It should be noted that Pakistan’s well-known actor and comedian John Rambo married actress Sahiba in the 90s. The pair also have two young sons.