  • Google just shut down Google+ for good — here are 17 other Google products that bombed, died, or disappeared

    Google just shut down Google+ for good — here are 17 other Google products that bombed, died, or disappeared AP

    Google is known for its collection of wildly popular products, from Search to Maps to Android. But not everything the company touches turns to gold.

    Google Glass was supposed to change the world, but it quickly became a punch line. And remember Google Buzz?

    Now, Google is killing off one more product: Google+, the social network that was supposed to take on Facebook and LinkedIn. Google decided to shutter the service after a software glitch caused Google to expose the personal profile data of hundreds of thousands of Google+ users (though the company says nothing bad happened).

    Of course, the best innovations are the ones that everybody thinks are doomed to fail, so it makes sense that Google has had its fair share of misses over the years. Still, we counted at least 18 products that have ended up in the Google graveyard (but there are probably more — let us know if we're missing anything).