  • New device could make way for cheaper breast cancer screenings

    New device could make way for cheaper breast cancer screenings New device could make way for cheaper breast cancer screenings

    A new mobile unit could help slash the cost of breast cancer screenings dramatically for women around the globe.

    The small mobile unit is developed by a US-based company.

    Normal mammograms cost about $40 but the iBreast Exam is only $0.50.

    The device is about the size of a computer mouse and uses censors to measure the stiffness of breast tissue.

    “So the iBreast Exam is a breast cancer screening device, targeted at the developing world. It’s a very small, easy to use, very cost effective, very accurate,” says Matthew Campisi, co-founder UE Life Sciences.

    The firm already has 200 units in use mostly across India.

    One device can do around 100 screenings before needing to be recharged.